Lemon Curd

This past summer my Swedish parents both turned 90 years old. They had “adopted” me 40 years ago while I was living in Sweden and attending graduate school. I return almost yearly to visit them, and count it a huge honor to be part of their family. In preparation for their birthday celebration, I was … Read more Lemon Curd

Gluten Free Chicken & Wild Rice Soup

Crockpot Creamy Chicken & Wildrice Soup - Gluten Free

There is something so comforting about a rich, simple, satisfying bowl of soup. Soup season could last year ’round in my mind, but I don’t always have time to watch over a pot on the stove. With a little morning prep time, this soup is perfect for family suppers, parties, and company. Since I eat … Read more Gluten Free Chicken & Wild Rice Soup

Fudgy Gluten Free Cupcakes

I have never enjoyed baking — too much measuring, math and accuracy is required, and it feels a little restrictive to me. Cooking is more free-form, while baking requires that I follow the rules in order to be successful. That’s where my rebellious nature kicks in:

“Don’t tell me what to do!”

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Habanero-Maple Pork Shoulder for Crockpot

Have you ever been surprised by how prolific certain garden plants can be? In my flowerbeds, bleeding hearts and lilies of the valley have become borderline-invasive perennials. In my raised garden beds, tomato plants easily grow 8 feet tall (I need to learn the art of pruning!), and pepper plants can supply the needs of … Read more Habanero-Maple Pork Shoulder for Crockpot

Simply the Easiest Egg Bake

I am a morning person – – – – – please don’t hate me! I think this “morning disorder” comes from an intense need and/or desire to have some alone-time before starting a busy day. I light a candle, pour a mug of coffee, pull out my Bible and journal, and get lost in the … Read more Simply the Easiest Egg Bake

Turkey and Pesto Meatballs – Gluten and Dairy Free

Turkey and Pesto Meatballs - Gluten and Dairy Free

I some times wonder if I chose the wrong profession. Maybe I should have been an architect, a pilot, or possibly a chemist. I love design, travel, and experimenting. But alas, I hate math. So I’m a musician. This way I can count to 4, and start again….

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Roasted Meatballs with Triple Tomato Sauce

Roasted Meatballs with Triple Tomato Sauce

Who doesn’t love meatballs and red sauce? Someone has even cleverly written a song about it, but I promise not to begin singing….

One thing that annoys me about making meatballs is standing at the stove frying them. Baking them is an option, but they usually get lopsided and strange. After scouring the internet for recipe ideas, I decided to try sinking the meatballs into a pan of sauce and baking them together. The results???

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