So, I’m totally NOT into labour-intensive food these days. Summertime is for playing, spending time outdoors, hanging out with friends, and traveling.
Skillet Steak Enchiladas
For many years it seems I have cooked for a small army – our kids, their friends, exchange students, and the people we lovingly refer to as “strays”. Now that we are a smaller family, leftovers have become part of our lives.
Red Hot Turkey Chili
Have you ever noticed that the nearer a country is to the Equator, the spicier the food is? It seems like hot food in hot weather makes people cooler and more comfortable. That’s logical, I guess!
Easy Enchiladas
I recently saw a map of the U.S. showing the most commonly spoken languages besides English, and found that more Minnesotans speak Spanish and Hmong than any other foreign language.
It is only logical that states like Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont would have French as their most common foreign language, due to proximity to Quebec. It also makes sense that Ohio and North Dakota would have many German speakers because of immigration patterns and Amish population.
Ground Turkey and Fennel Chili
Is it pathetic that I’m not quite ready for warm weather? I haven’t gotten nearly enough indoor projects done, and I will always, always love soup season.
Roasted Squash and Carrot Soup
This was one of those crazy, fun, exhausting, wonderful weekends. My younger sister has been visiting from Alaska, and we were able to get much of the family together. Great food, lots of laughter, and a game of extreme four-square rounded off the day. 🙂
Lite Italian Beef Stew
Some times it’s challenging to come up with creative ways to serve leftovers. The typical beef rump roast is bigger than what 2 people can eat, and besides, I always pile my plate with veggies, so they are all gone. What’s left is a big old hunk of meat.
Rolled Rump Roast
I married a farm boy. He grew up on a small dairy farm, did chores before school, and showed animals for 4H. He also prefers to eat like a farm boy – meat and potatoes.
Tuscan Ham Soup
Although I have never been to Tuscany – it’s on my bucket list – foods based on the Tuscan tradition of simplicity, availability, quality, and economy seem to fit perfectly with my style of cooking. And eating.
Loaded Lasagna
After my husband’s car accident, we were blessed by many wonderful meals delivered by friends.