Lemon Curd

This past summer my Swedish parents both turned 90 years old. They had “adopted” me 40 years ago while I was living in Sweden and attending graduate school. I return almost yearly to visit them, and count it a huge honor to be part of their family. In preparation for their birthday celebration, I was … Read more Lemon Curd

Fudgy Gluten Free Cupcakes

I have never enjoyed baking — too much measuring, math and accuracy is required, and it feels a little restrictive to me. Cooking is more free-form, while baking requires that I follow the rules in order to be successful. That’s where my rebellious nature kicks in:

“Don’t tell me what to do!”

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Sausage Egg Bake with Bacon-Hashbrown Crust

Sometimes it feels like egg bakes conjure up images of elegant bridal showers and dainty women’s teas. Think of flowers, lace, beautifully wrapped gifts, damask tablecloths, and egg bake. This one, however, is the exact opposite of delicate. It is for carnivores who love brunch, and are not afraid to eat it! Tossing hash browns … Read more Sausage Egg Bake with Bacon-Hashbrown Crust

Maple & Bourbon Glazed Ham

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote in his journals: “It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.” Friendship is one of those most-precious gifts that should never be neglected. You know with full confidence which friends you trust most — those that will continue to love you … Read more Maple & Bourbon Glazed Ham


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