After my husband’s car accident, we were blessed by many wonderful meals delivered by friends.
Easy to freeze
Pasta Sauce
I do not claim any understanding of good Italian cooking. I’ve never been to Italy – although it is high on my bucket list – and I’ve never studied Italian cuisine (using a French word there is pretty strong evidence of my non-italophile training), but I do like a good pasta sauce.
Gluten Free Sandwich Bread
I love bread. Good bread. Don’t bother wasting my time with store-bought, wimpy, disgusting bread. I want it homemade!
Perfect Brown Rice
Brown rice is a staple in our family. It is such a great base for many foods, especially ethnic dishes. Just think of the curries, gumbos, teriyaki and stir fry dishes that taste best snuggled on a bed of brown rice.
Best Banana Bread
Contact. Affiliation. Connection. Relationship. Alliance. Association. NETWORKING . . . .
They all sound like corporate buzzwords, and as such, pretty annoying. But, sometimes networking is crucial to success. And makes life so much simpler. Here’s my example:
Living in a small town has its perks —
Farmers’ Market Soup
Contrary to popular belief, not all women like to shop. Some of us feel like pimply, awkward teenagers every time we walk into a mall, and our anxiety nearly blows through the roof. A trip to Macy’s can trigger hyperventilation (I love that word). But at least there is some order at Macy’s – black sweaters of every size hang on one rack. The next rack is a sea of bluejeans. I can handle that.