Kanelbullar – Swedish Cinnamon Rolls – Gluten Free

kanelbullar - gluten free Swedish cinnamon rolls

Fika is somewhat of a twice-daily Swedish institution. It can be compared to elevenses in the worlds of Winnie the Pooh, Paddington Bear, and Middle Earth. I’ve heard it said that in Sweden “fika isn’t just a coffee break, it’s a lifestyle”.

Read moreKanelbullar – Swedish Cinnamon Rolls – Gluten Free

Farmers’ Market Soup

Contrary to popular belief, not all women like to shop. Some of us feel like pimply, awkward teenagers every time we walk into a mall, and our anxiety nearly blows through the roof. A trip to Macy’s can trigger hyperventilation (I love that word). But at least there is some order at Macy’s – black sweaters of every size hang on one rack. The next rack is a sea of bluejeans. I can handle that.

Read moreFarmers’ Market Soup


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