I am a “No New Year’s Resolutions” kind of gal. I don’t like the feeling of defeat when, only a few days into the year, I’ve already failed to improve myself. Maybe you are like me – just trying to live healthier and give more.
Easy to freeze
Beef & Vegetable Soup
I have to laugh at the soup commercials with a customer calling the soup kitchen via a can on a string. How many played “walkie talkie” that way as children? I know I did!
Chicken and Artichoke Lasagna with Bolognese Sauce
As a middle child, I tend to be a people pleaser. But at the same time, I don’t like to be boxed in. As important as rules can be, for the most part, they are simply guidelines.
Roasted Tomato and Garlic Bolognese Sauce
It is so much fun to see how Kristina has surpassed me – by light years – when it comes to cooking. She is creative and instinctive, and possesses the natural ability to invent adventurous (and wonderful!) culinary combinations.
Red Hot Turkey Chili
Have you ever noticed that the nearer a country is to the Equator, the spicier the food is? It seems like hot food in hot weather makes people cooler and more comfortable. That’s logical, I guess!
Refried Pinto Beans – Pressure Cooker
I may be late for Cinco de Mayo, but then again, I was at least one week late for Saint Patrick’s Day. No biggie! Great food can be served year ’round.
Ground Turkey and Fennel Chili
Is it pathetic that I’m not quite ready for warm weather? I haven’t gotten nearly enough indoor projects done, and I will always, always love soup season.
Big Batch of Bourbon Baked Beans
I never have to look far to find a reason (excuse???) to invite people over for a party. Someone’s birthday? Let’s party! The house is clean? Let’s party! It’s above zero degrees? Let’s party! Taxes are done? LET’S PARTY!
Gluten Free Banana Muffins with Chocolate Bomb
I don’t like doughnuts or pastries. Even the smell can turn my stomach. Strange? Of course I am! But I can point to a cold and rainy day in the summer of 1970 as we were driving through the Danish countryside. We stopped at a bakery for cocoa and a treat, and the warm, sweet, suffocating smell of pasteries overwhelmed me. End of story.
Kanelbullar – Swedish Cinnamon Rolls – Gluten Free
Fika is somewhat of a twice-daily Swedish institution. It can be compared to elevenses in the worlds of Winnie the Pooh, Paddington Bear, and Middle Earth. I’ve heard it said that in Sweden “fika isn’t just a coffee break, it’s a lifestyle”.