It’s Friday night. What does that mean to you??? In our family, it usually means pizza and a movie.
Golden Beet Pesto
Everyone has a favourite colour. Or two. According to modern psychology, favourite colours have a lot to say about our personalities.
Fresh Citrus Salad
Winter can be a brutal time – shivering, fighting colds, not enough exercise and fresh air, and the teasing thaws that cause us to dream of springtime. One blessing of winter is that citrus fruit is in season!
Senegalese Chicken Curry
A few years back, my son and I spent 2 weeks in Dakar, Senegal in West Africa. We had the incredible opportunity to visit friends who lived and worked there as missionaries.
Curry Spice Blend
Making spice blends at home allows you to adjust flavours to personal taste, saves money, eliminates any preservatives, and it’s fun!
Perfect Brown Rice
Brown rice is a staple in our family. It is such a great base for many foods, especially ethnic dishes. Just think of the curries, gumbos, teriyaki and stir fry dishes that taste best snuggled on a bed of brown rice.
Seafood Bisque
I love soup. That’s probably something I learned from my father, who could eat soup for every meal, all year long.
Lemon-Basil Chicken
Every cook has an arsenal of secret weapons — that “go to” piece of equipment that is used for dependable results, something they trust even when experimenting.
Even though I’m still rather new to the benefits of an electric pressure cooker, I am quickly becoming convinced that it is the only, and best way to prepare meat. Without fail.
Yam & Salmon Chowder
One thing that bothers me about the state of Minnesota is the lack of oceanfront real estate. It’s more than a thousand miles every direction to reach a good ocean. We may have over 12,000 lakes, but not a single sea.
Winter Kale Salad
Winter in Minnesota usually means sweaters, slippers, and hands wrapped around a mug of something hot. Since I am not a huge fan of typical “comfort food”, I tend to make soups and stews. But sometimes even that can feel too heavy.