I may be late for Cinco de Mayo, but then again, I was at least one week late for Saint Patrick’s Day. No biggie! Great food can be served year ’round.
Easy Enchiladas
I recently saw a map of the U.S. showing the most commonly spoken languages besides English, and found that more Minnesotans speak Spanish and Hmong than any other foreign language.
It is only logical that states like Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont would have French as their most common foreign language, due to proximity to Quebec. It also makes sense that Ohio and North Dakota would have many German speakers because of immigration patterns and Amish population.
Chicken with Exploded Tomatoes and Balsamic Drizzle
What are some of the craziest diet trends you remember? There was the grapefruit diet. The cabbage soup diet. Scarsdale diet. The cigarette diet. The Atkins diet. And even the Twinkie diet.
What’s the point??? I’m sure the main goal with dieting is to be healthy, but so many of the fad diets seem to ignore nutrition, balance, good health, and common sense.
Read moreChicken with Exploded Tomatoes and Balsamic Drizzle
Ground Turkey and Fennel Chili
Is it pathetic that I’m not quite ready for warm weather? I haven’t gotten nearly enough indoor projects done, and I will always, always love soup season.
Cheesy Sweet Potato and Broccoli Soup – Vegan
Sometimes it’s a little intimidating to try something new — traveling to a new country, riding motorcycle for the first time, starting a new job, skydiving (still haven’t tried that), exploring a new type of cooking…. It’s all a little unnerving.
Chicken and Mushrooms in Creamy White Wine Sauce
Julia Childs once said, “I enjoy cooking with wine, sometimes I even put it in the food…” In reality, it seems like all food is better when cooked with/in wine. Water and broth just don’t cut it. In order to achieve layers of flavour, some form of alcohol needs to be included. That’s just the way it is.
Simple Creamy Vegetable Soup
After some weekends (and holidays), it feels like I’ve eaten a bowling ball. You know what I mean??? The “food baby” makes me look about 6 months pregnant, and I have less energy than a dust bunny. That’s when I really need a morale booster, and something healthy to eat.
Roasted Squash and Carrot Soup
This was one of those crazy, fun, exhausting, wonderful weekends. My younger sister has been visiting from Alaska, and we were able to get much of the family together. Great food, lots of laughter, and a game of extreme four-square rounded off the day. 🙂
Tuscan Fennel Minestrone
Here it is — the day before Holy Week begins, and as a church musician, I am swamped, but loving every minute of the season. Even though we aren’t getting a blizzard – and all the snow/ice is gone – it’s still a perfect day for SOUP!
Herbed Chicken with Maple and Irish Whiskey Glaze
Oh yeah! This chicken has it all! The three S’s — Sweet. Savoury. Spicy. And to top it off, it’s darned delicious! Glazed with maple syrup and Irish whiskey, it even has won the approval of an incomprehensibly lovely Italian!