On this, the 200th post on my little blog, I don’t want to write about yet another recipe. Instead, I want to highlight a person who embodies the unadulterated love of cooking, creativity, and beauty. This person is not a chef – even though he could claim vocation at any top restaurant in the world – but rather someone who has chosen cooking as a means of expressing innovation and passion. The ultimate avocation.
Facial Mask – Homemade Health and Beauty
In my attempt to live a “clean” life, I’ve been seriously evaluating the ingredients listed on all products that come in contact with my skin. Think about this — skin is the largest organ in your body! Why smear all sorts of potentially harmful chemicals on it?
Apple Crisp with Bourbon Cider Reduction
This is probably the most incredible apple crisp you will ever taste, in my humble opinion. It is sweet, tart, chewy, buttery, and boasts a surprise with the sauce that looks like caramel, but has a fresh appley-citrusy-bourbony zing.
I have a couple different philosophies when it comes to dessert:
Bourbon Chicken Thighs
With the onset of the fall schedule, I need to do more advance preparation than during summer break. Some times my brain doesn’t like to think and plan! Spontaneity is too much fun — except at 6:30pm when everyone is hungry!
Chicken and Artichoke Lasagna with Bolognese Sauce
As a middle child, I tend to be a people pleaser. But at the same time, I don’t like to be boxed in. As important as rules can be, for the most part, they are simply guidelines.
Roasted Tomato and Garlic Bolognese Sauce
It is so much fun to see how Kristina has surpassed me – by light years – when it comes to cooking. She is creative and instinctive, and possesses the natural ability to invent adventurous (and wonderful!) culinary combinations.
Apple Blueberry Cabbage Salad
My mother was an elementary school teacher – back in the days when the ABC’s were more important than teaching political correctness. Her mother was also a teacher – before college degrees were required for educators.
Golden Borscht
While in Ukraine, we ate soup every day. Temperature over 90 degrees: soup for lunch. Humidity at the tropical level: soup for supper. Long days of teaching, playing, and chasing kids: soup for lunch AND supper. In fact, my Ukrainian interpreter (and friend) was stunned to learn that our family doesn’t eat soup for 4 or 5 months out of the year. But now I am converted to being a Summer Soup Supporter.
Sage and Lemon Chicken Thighs
This was NOT the summer to garden — from a hot and dry beginning, to insane amounts of rain, to traveling out of the country for nearly 3 weeks. But I have to say, my sage plants are happy, happy, HAPPY!
To The Power of Seven Sangria
Late summer. Dog days. August doldrums. State Fair time. Sangrias! While in Trader Joe’s this past week, one of the employees told me about this fruity, tasty blend. I had never tried “to the power of seven” juice, but this gave me a good reason to purchase a bottle.