I am a “No New Year’s Resolutions” kind of gal. I don’t like the feeling of defeat when, only a few days into the year, I’ve already failed to improve myself. Maybe you are like me – just trying to live healthier and give more.
Krumkake – Rullrån
Oh Yeah! This is totally happening right now! Christmas treats hold a special place in our hearts, and during the season of Advent we lean towards traditions in a heavier, more beautiful way than during the other 11 months of the year.
Pressure Cooker Mashed Potatoes
“Pressure” is one of those odd words in the English language. Sometimes used to describe physical force exerted, influence, or persuasion, this time of year we tend to think of stressful urgency. After all, isn’t that what cooking around holiday time seems to feel like?
Turkey Breast with Fennel Spice Rub
What makes weekend meals so special? Usually we take a little extra time to prepare the food, and we tend to linger around the table. In a perfect world, that would be every meal!
Maple Vinaigrette with Goat Cheese Salad
This is a dangerously delicious salad. One of those salads that will tempt you to eat nothing else for dinner. Or at least nibble the ingredients while preparing it, leaving you with no appetite for other food. But the risk is worth taking!
Old Fashioned
Very few things in this country can claim a 200+ year history, especially one riddled with drama, scandal, and fame. But even though the Old Fashioned has a lengthy and colourful history, it is very new to me.
Baked Country Style Ribs
There are days when I cannot be in the kitchen — too much work to do, preferring to read a book instead, or making the choice to visit with company outdoors instead of hanging out in the kitchen.
Easy Caramel Sauce
It has been more than 2 months since my last posting. These weeks have been filled with joy, grief, change, friends, excitement, loss, fun, adventure, family, and growth. It’s been a crazy ride, that’s for certain!
Beef & Vegetable Soup
I have to laugh at the soup commercials with a customer calling the soup kitchen via a can on a string. How many played “walkie talkie” that way as children? I know I did!
Bourbon and Bacon Jam
Have you ever put something off because you feared failure? Maybe you delayed a difficult conversation because you might say the wrong thing. Or perhaps you avoid wedding dances for fear of looking like a klutz. Or, like me, you decide to put off that first experience of skydiving because “failure” would be quite tragic. 😂 Well, I have wanted to make bacon jam for years, but have been afraid the end result would be disappointing. But the day of boldness finally arrived.