After some weekends (and holidays), it feels like I’ve eaten a bowling ball. You know what I mean??? The “food baby” makes me look about 6 months pregnant, and I have less energy than a dust bunny. That’s when I really need a morale booster, and something healthy to eat.
Roasted Squash and Carrot Soup
This was one of those crazy, fun, exhausting, wonderful weekends. My younger sister has been visiting from Alaska, and we were able to get much of the family together. Great food, lots of laughter, and a game of extreme four-square rounded off the day. 🙂
Tuscan Fennel Minestrone
Here it is — the day before Holy Week begins, and as a church musician, I am swamped, but loving every minute of the season. Even though we aren’t getting a blizzard – and all the snow/ice is gone – it’s still a perfect day for SOUP!
Golden Vegetables Immune-Boosting Soup
Liquid sunshine. That’s what this is! When you’re feeling worn out, exhausted, vulnerable to every virus, this is even more therapeutic than a catnap in the sun. And the taste is so amazing that you will make it over and over again – even when it’s not soup season.
Parsnip and Ginger Soup
I got myself into a situation last week — too much sugar, and not enough food. I’m old enough to know better (!) but when I’m on vacation and enjoying special treats with special people, such things happen.
Crockpot Creamy Chicken & Wildrice Soup – Gluten Free
We got married in 1988 – the year for goose cookie jars (we got 3, kept none), glass platters with matching bowls, and everything else was blue and brown. Thankfully, we were not part of the mushroom set, or the sunflower set. If you’ve been married more than 30 years, you know what I’m talking about.
Read moreCrockpot Creamy Chicken & Wildrice Soup – Gluten Free
Southwestern Turkey Soup
This is the third type of soup I’ve made this week. Can you tell that I LOVE the coolness of autumn, and the opportunity to make more substantial and comforting food? This has a little bit of heat, but is surprisingly simple and quick to make.
Creamy Cauliflower and Smoked Pork Chop Soup with Garlic-Infused Olive Oil
I found a new obsession — smoked pork chops! Seriously! Whoever thought of smoking pork chops? Brilliant!!!
Read moreCreamy Cauliflower and Smoked Pork Chop Soup with Garlic-Infused Olive Oil
Annas Linssoppa – Anna’s Red Lentil Soup
Best friends are like stars — even though you don’t always see them (or live on the same continent!), you know they are always there. Such friends make life wonderful because they are reliable, trustworthy, faithful, and FUN.
Lite Italian Beef Stew
Some times it’s challenging to come up with creative ways to serve leftovers. The typical beef rump roast is bigger than what 2 people can eat, and besides, I always pile my plate with veggies, so they are all gone. What’s left is a big old hunk of meat.