Power Balls – Energy on the Go

Power Balls - Energy on the Go

I like to daydream about winning the lottery — how I would choose to spend and give away the money, and how winning wouldn’t change who I am. But alas, I’ve never purchased a lottery ticket in my life. And record Power Ball winnings pale in comparison to these little gems!

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Swedish Meatballs with Cream Sauce (Kötbullar med Gräddsås)

As I was digging through the cupboard last week, I stumbled across my grandmother’s recipe box. There are memories attached to many of those recipes! Grandma grew up on Järstad farm outside of Skänninge, Sweden. As a young woman, she chose to follow her brother Knut, and emigrate to America. She landed in Minneapolis in … Read more Swedish Meatballs with Cream Sauce (Kötbullar med Gräddsås)

Crockpot Thai Peanut Chicken Thighs

Some times a fave could use an update. Think of how many design changes blue jeans have experienced in the past decades! From bikini-bellbottoms to high-waisted straights, mom jeans to boyfriend jeans, trip-over-your-own-legs-baggies to skin-tight-can’t-breath-jeggings. They are all great, EXCEPT for the ridiculous style in the late 1980’s when we tucked the hem of our … Read more Crockpot Thai Peanut Chicken Thighs


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