I love Thanksgiving. The turkey, family gatherings, laughter, turkey, seeing in-laws and new generations, and I really love the turkey. In fact, I’m not a huge fan of all the stuffing, gravies, cranberries, or green bean casseroles. It’s mostly the turkey I go for.
Gluten Free
Bourbon Vinaigrette
I seriously DIS-like purchasing salad dressing. Seriously. Just look at the ingredients list. Look how many years before the expiration date. Gross! Look at how expensive it is. And then think about the delicious, budget-friendly, delicious, fresh, and DELICIOUS dressings you can make at home!
Bourbon Chicken
Last weekend we had some friends over for supper. I am totally in awe of this couple! They are brilliant business people, great parents, incredible food and wine connoisseurs – I would never dare call them “foodies” because it seems like too crass of a term for them – and they are extremely gracious. So gracious, in fact, that I dared serve them 3 recipes I had conjured up during a long and restless night. Friends like that are priceless!