Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, I met a friend of a friend….
And we immediately became great friends.
I love this friend so much that we named our daughter after her: Kristina/Stina.
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, I met a friend of a friend….
And we immediately became great friends.
I love this friend so much that we named our daughter after her: Kristina/Stina.
I haven’t had time to plant a garden yet, but my front patio is full of pots of herbs – parsley, thyme, cilantro, sage, and basil. Lots and lots of basil. Just rubbing my hand over the basil releases an aroma that makes me so happy.
Since high school days, one of my favourite places to visit is Stillwater, MN. As teens we would sit alongside the river and people watch. In my 20’s, I would scour the plentiful antique shops and people watch. As an adult, I enjoy the fantastic restaurants, car shows, and boutiques — and people watch.
Did you know that a Pekin chicken is a short, Chinese Bantam with a ridiculous amount of feathers all the way down their legs and covering their feet? That’s what I learned when accidentally misspelling Peking Chicken. I guess you’re never too old to learn!!!
I don’t like surprises. At least most of the time. Practical jokes, pranks, surprise parties – not my deal. But this dish was a very, VERY pleasant surprise. Chicken and garlic are always a good idea, but this brought the basics to an off-the-charts level.
Close your eyes. Imagine this: your grandmother sitting on the front porch with a towel across her lap, snapping a huge bowl of beans. Now, picture me on my front porch – taller than your grandma and NOT wearing a pink polyester pantsuit – skinning a large bowl of chickpeas. True story!
“Dirt Therapy”. What does that mean to you? For my mother it means unleashing jokes about dust accumulating on the furniture, but for my friend Donna – The Novice Farmer – dirt therapy may be a survival tactic.
Today has been “one of those days”. I was too busy (also known as “too distracted”) to think about making supper, and when my tummy began rumbling, the last thing I wanted to do was COOK.
Read moreSalmon and Wild Rice Salad with Marinated Vegetables
Some times it’s challenging to come up with creative ways to serve leftovers. The typical beef rump roast is bigger than what 2 people can eat, and besides, I always pile my plate with veggies, so they are all gone. What’s left is a big old hunk of meat.
I married a farm boy. He grew up on a small dairy farm, did chores before school, and showed animals for 4H. He also prefers to eat like a farm boy – meat and potatoes.