Homemade Applesauce

Homemade Applesauce

Let’s talk about apples. Autumn brings fresh, crisp air, fewer hours of daylight, bountiful harvests, and SCHOOL LUNCHES. Of course, I’m not talking about the pizza or sub buffet at the local high school these days. My type of school lunches were packed in a brown paper bag, and I liked it that way.

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Apple Crisp with Bourbon Cider Reduction

Apple Crisp with Bourbon Cider Reduction

This is probably the most incredible apple crisp you will ever taste, in my humble opinion. It is sweet, tart, chewy, buttery, and boasts a surprise with the sauce that looks like caramel, but has a fresh appley-citrusy-bourbony zing.

I have a couple different philosophies when it comes to dessert:

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Gluten Free Banana Muffins with Chocolate Bomb

Gluten Free Banana Muffins with Nutella Bomb

I don’t like doughnuts or pastries. Even the smell can turn my stomach. Strange? Of course I am! But I can point to a cold and rainy day in the summer of 1970 as we were driving through the Danish countryside. We stopped at a bakery for cocoa and a treat, and the warm, sweet, suffocating smell of pasteries overwhelmed me. End of story.

Read moreGluten Free Banana Muffins with Chocolate Bomb


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