Lemon Curd

This past summer my Swedish parents both turned 90 years old. They had “adopted” me 40 years ago while I was living in Sweden and attending graduate school. I return almost yearly to visit them, and count it a huge honor to be part of their family. In preparation for their birthday celebration, I was … Read more Lemon Curd

Fudgy Gluten Free Cupcakes

I have never enjoyed baking — too much measuring, math and accuracy is required, and it feels a little restrictive to me. Cooking is more free-form, while baking requires that I follow the rules in order to be successful. That’s where my rebellious nature kicks in:

“Don’t tell me what to do!”

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Midnight Mounds Bar Brownies – Gluten Free

Midnight Mounds Bar Brownies - Gluten Free

One of the first gardens I planted was filled with every black flower I could find. This was somewhat of a fad during the Victorian era, which I find intriguing. Can you imagine elegant women in long, floofy dresses tending gardens? That might be as difficult as imagining ME working in flowerbeds. But I tried.

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Grandma Sally’s Soft Gluten Free Ginger Cookies

That title may be a mouthful, but you will not be happy until your mouth is filled with these tender, tasty ginger cookies! My Grandma Sally was probably the strongest-willed, most stubborn, and frugal woman on the planet. Immigrating alone from Sweden to Minneapolis in the late-1920’s and then raising 3 boys through the Great … Read more Grandma Sally’s Soft Gluten Free Ginger Cookies

Bailey’s Fudge

Yup! This is totally happening right now! This year may have been unpredictable, challenging, and downright weird, but Bailey’s released their own chocolate chips! I hear angels singing! My favorite dessert cocktail is the “iron butterfly”, which is vodka, Kalua, and Bailey’s. If I were to choose a favorite milkshake, it would be a “mudslide”, … Read more Bailey’s Fudge

Power Balls – Energy on the Go

Power Balls - Energy on the Go

I like to daydream about winning the lottery — how I would choose to spend and give away the money, and how winning wouldn’t change who I am. But alas, I’ve never purchased a lottery ticket in my life. And record Power Ball winnings pale in comparison to these little gems!

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Peanut Butter Cookies – Flourless

Peanut butter. Served on celery with raisins – bumps on a log. Served on bread with jelly – PBJ. Served on banana with chocolate chips – Carlotta pretending to be healthy. Peanut butter served AS A COOKIE – I’m in heaven! I started experimenting with gluten free cookie recipes in the weeks leading up to … Read more Peanut Butter Cookies – Flourless


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