The best place to enjoy evening, in my book, is the screened porch. I can feel all the fresh breezes, watch swans on the lake, hear the birds and frogs, and not be bothered by mosquitoes.
Buttermilk Waffles
I love antiques, vintage items, primitives, heirlooms, collectibles — whatever you want to call them. Anything that has seen life, and has been part of a story, finds a special place in my home.
Crockpot Grass Fed Beef Arm Roast with Onions and Garlic
Being raised, grazed, and nourished in the fresh country air with plenty of exercise and natural food means the meat is leaner, more nutritious, and has a much richer taste than fat-laden store-bought beef.
Simple Beef and Vegetable Soup for a Crowd
Easy to shop for, easy to make, reliably delicious, and feeds a small army.
Minnesota-style Manhattan Clam Chowder
I can’t help it. Even though I have flown through JFK many times, I have never been to Manhattan. Any time spent on the East Coast was when I was very young. BUT I have wonderful memories of making friends in Maine, eating fresh seafood every day, and Dad coming back with huge stories after spending a day on a lobster boat. My take-away from that trip? CLAMS. Steamed, stewed, or chowdered. Clams are the best.
Ginger Ale
Did you play “Duck, Duck, Goose”? or were you lucky enough to be RIGHT and called it “Duck, Duck, Gray Duck”?
Caramelized Salmon
Salmon is one of the quickest, simplest, healthiest foods to prepare. And I prepare it often! Obviously! There are so many salmon recipes on my blog that I’ve considered renaming it “The Salmon Concerto”.
Crud-Fighting Healing Tea
Yes, ’tis the season! The season for sore throats, colds, sniffles, and cabin fever. Nothing serious, mind you! Just that crud that can wipe you out for a couple days. Timing is key when “catching the crud”, however. Avoid holidays, weekends, busy days, and anniversaries. Make sure you get sick when there is something really … Read more Crud-Fighting Healing Tea
Bourbon Chicken & Vegetable Stir-fry
This recipe combines some of my favorite ingredients: chicken (my all-time favorite food is chicken caesar salad), vegetables (hello, baby corn!), and bourbon. Yes, bourbon. If you doubt my affinity for this Kentucky-made, corn-based, charred-oak-barrel-aged beverage, just search my blog. At least one dozen recipes using bourbon pop up. I love that stuff! The secret … Read more Bourbon Chicken & Vegetable Stir-fry
Rooibos Chai Latte
One benefit of traveling is being able to taste specialties at local diners and coffee shops around the world. While warming up in a charming coffee shop in Stockholm, I tried my first-ever rooibos chai latte. I will never be able to re-create that precise beverage, but this is pretty darned close! And I don’t have to wait in line at a crowded café.